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Yule Lad no. 4: Þvörusleikir

Writer's picture: Rannveig GuðleifsdóttirRannveig Guðleifsdóttir

Þvörusleikir running away with an armful of wooden spoons
Þvörusleikir can snatch a spoon faster than lightning

The Icelandic Yule Lads are the sons of the trolls Grýla and Leppalúði. They come down from the mountains, one each of the thirteen nights before Christmas bringing children small treats In the days of yore however, they were anything but nice. Instead of bringing treats, they came to scare peple and steal what was most precious to them, their food.

No. 4 is Þvörusleikir and spoons are his thing. The wooden stirring spoon kind. His name literally means spoon licker so guess where he hangs out? He'll wait until no one's looking and then he'll snatch the spoon out of the pot and be gone quicker than a lightning. He's rather tall and extremely thin, possibly due to malnutrition

The Icelandic Christmas Legends ornaments from Raven Design, featuring the Yule Lads, Grýla, Leppalúði and the Yule Cat are now available in my online shop. Shipping is available to Europe and N-America, if your country is not listed, but you would like to buy the ornaments send me a line at

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